tips for booking flights Ireland Australia

Useful tips for booking your Australia flights

Useful tips for booking your Australia flights

If you’re looking to travel between Ireland and the UK and Australia, sure you can jump onto Skyscanner and book the cheapest flight. However, you’ll be missing out on a whole array of exclusive NexVentur extras. Here are some expert tips from our travel partners, Emerald Travel, on the best way to book your flights.

How to get the best flight deal for Australia

What’s the cheapest flight to Australia? The early booking bird catches the worm. Book early! The sooner the better. Airfares are changing all the time. And up is the general trend. People are booking as far in advance as 12 to 18 months to get the best prices.
Peak seasons either way are Christmas (December-January), June and July. You’re likely to get the best flight deals from February to May (excluding Easter) and then from mid-July to August. October can be busy flying to Australia particularly.

What can I expect to pay for a one-way flight to/from Australia?

You’re looking at A$1400 to A$3500. The top price is in peak season (December, January, and October) when airlines load rates with surcharges because they know they’ll still get passengers.

I’m travelling on a Working Holiday Visa. Can I book a one-way ticket?

Yes, you can.

Do I need to have a visa to book a flight?

No, all that’s needed is your flight dates and your full name as per your passport. However, typically the visa is the best starting point – you’d want to be sure you can travel before investing in a ticket.

Why would I use a travel agent when I can just book direct or on a booking platform?

First up you’d want the exclusive deals NexVentur has with partner airlines. This gives you a load of free extras plus the added advantage of expert personalised service of our travel partners, Emerald Travel.

You also want peace of mind. When you book through a portal or direct with the airlines, we all know what happens if things go wrong – you miss a flight, it’s cancelled, your luggage goes missing. Our travel partners take care of all of this – no hanging on the phone listening to automated messages from airlines. Emerald Travel has been in the business of helping people migrate for decades now. They know the pitfalls of going it alone. For example, if you’re Irish and returning home on a one-way-ticket with an Australian spouse. Irish passport control will likely welcome you home with open arms, however the airlines are afraid of getting a hefty fine from a one-way boarding on irregular documents. As they’re not immigration experts, they may take the path of maximum caution. Our expert partners can advise on this and other peculiarities.

How to unlock your NexVentur special flight package

This special flight deal is exclusive to NexVentur and is valid for flights from UK and Ireland to Australia and from Australia to the UK and Ireland. Contact Carole Quinn on +353-(0)87-108-5537 or email

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